Have You Been Introduced To BusinessSafe?

Peninsula Team

August 21 2012

Departmental Product Rebrand

Health and Safety or “Elf and Safety” as often referred to by those in the media has unfortunately become a phrase synonymous with negativity bad/poor decision making a detrimental impact on business viability and the credibility of the professionals and so called jobs worth’s. Its aim of protecting people at work from ill health, poor/dangerous work environments, using unsafe/dangerous work equipment is now often ignored, and in fact not even considered in any positive way. Even our political leaders who used to be proud of our “safety record” in industry are now questioning the value and interpretation of health and safety standards that have, in the not too recent past, made us the envy of other industrialised societies. I have become very conscious over the last 12 months or so of this increasing negative “back lash” to the support and skills safety professionals working in the UK provide to employers on a daily basis. Regrettably the number of fatal accidents, lost working days due to ill health and the number of reported injuries do not make headlines, but are still occurring on a weekly basis. To help maintain an active interest, involvement and a practical application of health and safety standards, and best practice. we have decided to revamp, improve and rebrand, not only the product we provide to our clients but the department as well. The department has been renamed the Business Safe Department and all my Consultants Business Safety Consultants, with our head office technical support team being the final part of our new Business Safety Team. Our documents have been simplified and accordingly rebranded in the distinctive Peninsula maroon and white binders and we have a new Business Safe logo. Not only have we enhanced the product but by removing the title/phrase Health and Safety (apart from where it is a statutory requirement) we hope to encourage all our clients to think more positively about the benefits to their whole business our service can provide. It is what it says “on the tin” a management system that when used properly and effectively does help protect our clients from the risk of accident/incident and the potential of enforcement action as well as reducing sickness absence due to work related situations.  With the practical help and support of our consultants and our 24 hour telephone advice team we do make a difference helping clients provide a safe and healthy working environment. Our new system is based on our internal Health and Safety Management System that has been certificated by the British Standards Institute under internationally recognised ISO Standard 18001 for Occupational Health and Safety. By Noel Pilling For any further clarification, please call our 24 Hour Advice Service on 0844 892 2772.   

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