Enforcing authority reports

09 July 2019
From time to time, Inspectors from the Enforcing Authority may visit a workplace to carry out an inspection to determine the level of compliance with health, safety and welfare laws. Employers who have made determined efforts to comply with health and safety law and good practice need not be concerned and should easily be able to demonstrate that they have effective systems in place to safely manage work activities. All appointed Health and Safety Inspectors and Fire Officers have legal powers of entry at any reasonable time to work premises and all Peninsula clients are advised to welcome Enforcement Officers at their first visit. During the visits, the Officer will discuss the matters which cause them concern and the actions which they expect to be taken. Where the standard of compliance falls short of the legal requirement, the Inspector may decide to serve a legal notice requiring immediate action, or action within a specified time to improve compliance. Peninsula clients should email or fax this document directly to the Peninsula 24 Hour Advice Line so that they can be advised on the actions to take. From October 2012 where formal action is taken by an inspector from the Health and Safety Executive the employer will be charged for the visit – see Fee For Intervention.   See also; Fee For Intervention.

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