Employment tribunal help

09 July 2019

Businesses and employers can contact our Legal Services department if they are ever served with tribunal papers by a current or former employee. The employment tribunal help they will receive provides expert guidance and support at every stage of the process. Your case will be researched and prepared by one of our team – whichever of our specialists is best qualified for your case – including collecting statements and briefing witnesses. If you are required to attend any interviews under caution, your dedicated representative will accompany you. Of course, if you decide to settle with the claimant, Peninsula will liaise with the relevant authorities on your behalf. Of course, if the case does reach a tribunal hearing, Peninsula will represent you. As long as you follow our employment law advice at every opportunity, the legal costs and awards incurred will, in fact, be covered by your employer insurance policy. Clients find Peninsula’s employment tribunal service absolutely indispensable, as our comprehensive approach guarantees both peace of mind, sound advice and minimal damage to your business.

Changes to employment tribunal regulations

As of 2012, certain changes have come into effect regarding employment tribunals:

  • The maximum tribunal award for unfair dismissal has been capped, which is good news for employers
  • The limit on redundancy pay has been raised to £430 per week
  • Meanwhile, the minimum amount of service to qualify for unfair dismissal is set to increase to two years
  • The maximum costs payable will be capped at £10,000
  • There will be changes to how witness statements are dealt with

There are many small employment law changes each year, and unfortunately, this in itself can cause businesses to require employment tribunal help. Huge changes have recently hit employers in the form of the Pensions Act, the Equality Act, the abolition of default retirement age, and the increase to parental leave entitlement. If you’re not prepared for these changes, contact the 24-hour employment law advice line for further information. Of course, if you’re a Peninsula client, we will contact you well in advance to help you adjust your policies and procedures accordingly.

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