Getting employment contracts right

09 July 2019

How much could a tribunal cost you?

The below tribunal examples demonstrate just how much employers can lose through not following the relevant HR-related laws and how essential it is to have the correct contracts and documentation in place.

1. Redundancy

Gill v Sweet (UK) Ltd Executive made redundant after blowing the whistle in a grievance about accounting irregularities.

Cost to Employer - £254,611

2. Parental & Redundancy

Vance v Charles Hurst Ltd Employee was made redundant was for asserting statutory right to take parental leave.

Cost to Employer - £65,300

3. Sickness & Absence

Harris v Monmouthshire County Council Three OH reports recommended employee should work from home – new line manager did not tolerate employee working from home under company agile working policy.

Cost to Employer - £238,216

4. Parental

Stone v Ramsay Health Care UK Operations Ltd Employer emailing employee with work to do two days after giving birth and then continuing through maternity leave, therefore failing to understand and adhere to own maternity policies.

Cost to Employer - £18,000

Want to make sure you have everything in place?

If you're concerned about redundancy legal advice, get in touch today. And want to make sure you have everything in place, call our experts on 0800 028 2420

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