Peninsula Face2Face - What can we do for you?

Peninsula Team

July 25 2016

Handling your HR can be made a lot easier when you have a true expert onboard. One of the biggest challenges that businesses face is the management of more serious HR matters, but by inviting one of our experienced team members to join you in your meeting, you’ll have guidance, advice and support throughout. Peninsula Face2Face can conduct nearly all employee-related meetings that you might need to conduct yourself. The only real exceptions are performance appraisals (on the basis that we can’t assess in-role performance from just one meeting) and recruitment interviews (because you’re best placed to know whether someone is suitable for your organisation). Here are the types of meetings that Peninsula Face2Face conducts: 28% of Peninsula Face2Face meetings are Grievance Meetings Our consultants can conduct this for you or ‘support and assist’ you in doing so. They’ll meet with the employee, conduct further investigations and write a report. 22% are Disciplinary Hearings The consultant puts the allegations to your employee, asks for their explanation and any mitigation they want to be considered. They undertake any additional investigations that might be needed and provide a report that balances the evidence, justifies their findings, and includes a ‘recommendation’ as to the sanction that they deem most appropriate. 17% are Appeal Hearings (disciplinary or grievance) It’s often difficult for small businesses to keep finding a person who hasn’t had any prior involvement to conduct an appeal, particularly where the original decision-maker is a sole director. How can the employee be satisfied that someone junior to you will be able to ‘overrule’ you if necessary? The fact that we are an external service can assure an employee that they’ll get a fair hearing. 10% are Investigation Meetings These take place at the early stages of a potential disciplinary process and are intended to find out exactly what’s happened. The report will indicate whether there’s a disciplinary case to answer and what allegations should be put to the employee. 8% involve Medical Absence These can include a formal meeting, a subsequent appeal, informal Welfare Meetings (sometimes held at the employee’s home) and even Return to Work meetings. The presence of an objective Peninsula Face2Face consultant can reassure someone who has been absent for a long time, and they can discuss adjustments that might be reasonable and appropriate. 6% are Settlement Meetings The consultant explores a swift, amicable resolution to a conflict with an employee. These can be invaluable because, when conducted in the right way, a settlement agreement will preclude the employee from bringing a Tribunal claim. 6% involve Consultations with staff Consultations about a potential redundancy situation or transfer: this usually includes a planning or overview meeting with you, and then we can conduct ‘at-risk’ meetings, group meetings or individual meetings, as needed. 3% involve our Mediation Service We have professionally-accredited mediators and a high level of success in resolving employee (and Director-level) disputes, helping you to avoid time-consuming, formal grievances processes.   If you’d like any further information about how Peninsula Face2Face could help you and your business with any of the above meetings, please call a member of the team on 0844 892 3911.  

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