Peninsula Events - The advantages of attending for business owners'

Peninsula Team

August 06 2015

We sat down with David Passfield, Peninsula Senior Seminar Presenter and Broadcaster to discuss the value of attending our business owners’ events and seminars. Q1. David, please tell us a little bit of background about yourself and give readers an overview of what your role as Senior Presenter & Broadcaster entails? After 7 years as area manager with the Thomas Cook Group I then joined an international travel publishing company and travelled throughout the world working directly with business owners, FD's and senior management to ensure their businesses look at compliance and cost savings, whilst still being able to develop and grow their businesses to meet client demand. Joining Peninsula Business Services as a Seminar Presenter & Broadcaster was the best decision I have ever made! I am very lucky that I get to travel throughout the UK and meet Business Leaders from all industries and guide and help them understand the importance of Employment Law and Health & Safety legislation.  But it is not just about compliance - one of the key elements (which I enjoy so much) is listening to the issues normal business owners face in their specific organisation and being able to give some pragmatic and commercial advice. Q2. Why should business owners attend our Events & Seminars? For 12 years in this role, I constantly hear business owners commenting on their staff 'they are great but I only wish they would not do ........' or 'I wish I could deal with a staff members absence and sickness better but if I do I am bound to be taken to tribunal'. At our nationwide series of Events & Seminars, we have (for over 20 years) developed a series of events to cater for all types of organisations - from the new start up business to large corporations, ensuring that the current key topics hitting the headlines in HR, Employment Law and H&S are addressed. We also ensure that delegates have a voice to raise their concerns - get some answers and know there is an opportunity to have a more private follow-up discussion with our regional consultants. Q3. What is the most valuable part of the event? Face to face contact with highly professional staff from Peninsula who are working with business owners and are on their side.  At Peninsula we know only too well the importance of engaging our staff, building those strong and long lasting relationships but also ensuring that we are fair, consistent and therefore justified when it comes to the difficult areas of capability issues and worse still dismissal. At our events owners and managers have the chance to voice their concerns and bounce off other businesses in the room who often have suggestions which help fellow delegates. Q4. Tell our readers about some advice/ concerns / questions that you are frequently asked? It is amazing how over the years the top three concerns / requests for advice always focus on:
  1. Performance issues
  2. Absence and sickness
  3. New Legislation (impacting on their business)
At least once a week I get asked by an owner or senior manager 'how can I safely dismiss a staff member?'  The key here is whether you genuinely want to dismiss that staff member.  Often, following some more discussion, most businesses don't really want to dismiss someone (as they have invested a lot of time and money in that person) but the owner just doesn't know how to get them refocused and doing what they want them to now do (as businesses change so often). Q5: Is your work rewarding? Very rewarding. Every day I am meeting different organisations with a wide range of issues, concerns and needing guidance.  There is nothing more rewarding when delegates come up to me at the coffee break and at the end of my presentation and say 'I nearly didn't come today because I thought these topics would be boring.  I have gained so much from today and you have made it so much fun and engaging - thank you'. Q6: If you had to summarise Peninsula’s events in 3 words
  1. Informative
  2. Interactive
  3. Incredible
Q7: Explain to our readers how they can become a Peninsula Partner and what this involves? I get asked so many times if we would be prepared to talk to their companies’ clients, prospective clients or association members. We value the opportunity to present the key topics to your invited guests and our partners have always achieved great benefit too as they demonstrate to their clients/prospect clients that they want to 'add value' to the services they already provide them with by offering a complimentary session on HR, Employment Law and/or Health & Safety.  Not only will a partners clients go away more knowledgeable and focused on the key issues they may face, but it is an ideal platform for the Peninsula partner to also cement their relationships with that client. The great news is, it doesn't cost our Partners a penny as Peninsula cover the cost of the venue, the refreshments and provide a professional presenter at no cost either - what could be better! If you would like to find out more about attending or running an event with Peninsula – call Katie Cullen on 0161 827 6010 or email

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